Wednesday, February 25, 2009

My dad is a goofy guy

This is my dad.

I took a trip with my parents in December 2007 to see my brother who was stationed in Germany. We took a train to Amsterdam ( my first train ride! ) and spent three days enjoying the city. I'd never been abroad. The thought of being with my parents at first seemed like a drag... but then I realized it wasn't like that at all. As you can see from the picture, my dad's a goofy guy. He picked this hat from a plethora of hats lying in a pile on the sidewalk. How silly he is. I love my dad so much!

Tuesday, February 24, 2009


Thursday, February 12, 2009


This is my blog. Simple. Boring. Now everybody make sure you come back and see all the amazing things I'm blogging about (not really). It'll probably just be my cats and dogs, but you should love them.